CHRS Recruiting Help and FAQs
- Contact Us
For questions about faculty recruitments, please email
For questions about staff or MPP recruitments, please contact your Recruiter.
- Open Labs - Faculty Services
Faculty Services holds daily open labs and can assist with all aspects of faculty recruiting as well as all other faculty-related processes.
These sessions are held via Zoom. Open this google doc to view the open lab schedule, including the Zoom information for each session. Please note, you must be logged into your 菠菜网lol正规平台 email to open this document.
- User Group
Join/View the CHRS Recruiting User Group to receive updates on procedures, documentation, training, and more.
Review meeting minutes from CHRS Recruiting User Check-ins (please note, these meetings ended in May 2023):
- Security/Access
All employees are automatically granted a base role in CHRS Recruiting which allows them to access necessary information should they become a search committee chair or member.
Employees may request additional access using the 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work and CHRS Recruiting System Access form. Once access is granted you will be able to:
- Open Job Cards
- View applications
- Move applications from one status to another
The typical turnaround time for access to be granted by the security team is 48 hours. Questions about the status of your form can be emailed to
- Faculty Recruitment - PT Temp Faculty
- General Guidance
- Step 1: Preparation
- Step 2: Initiate the Recruitment
- Initiate Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Job Card Field Requirements [pdf]
- Approve Job Cards [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- CHRS Recruiting Approval Processes
- Step 3: Manage the Recruitment
- Manage Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Move Application Forward in the Process (video)
- Bulk Move Applications (video)
- Recruitment Steps - Fast Track [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Fast Track (Concurrent Hire) [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Full Recruitment [pdf]
- References & Collecting Letters of Recommendation [pdf]
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews (video)
- Screening Criteria Details
- Faculty Appointment Log
- Step 4: Extend the Verbal Offer
- This step is done outside of CHRS Recruiting
- Step 5: Initiate the Background Check
- Initiate the Background Check [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 6: Prepare and Extend the Offer
- Step 7: Manage the Background Check
- Manage the Background Check [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 8: Finalize Hire and Compile Hiring Documents
- Step 9: Manage Data in PeopleSoft (Recruiting Integration)
- Recruiting Integration [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 10: Enter Contract Data in PeopleSoft
- AY or 12-month Appointments (step-by-step guidance)
- Step 11: Forward Documents to ESS
- Send the bulk compiled documents, including the appointment form, via email to
(note: for colleges using the OnBase functionality, there is nothing to send via email)
- Send the bulk compiled documents, including the appointment form, via email to
- Faculty Recruitment - Tenured/Tenure-Track/FT Temp Faculty
- General Guidance
- Step 1: Preparation
- Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
(if applicable)
- Position Announcement (provided by Faculty Services)
- Advertising and Diversity Outreach Plan Template [docx]
- Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
- Step 2: Initiate the Recruitment
- Initiate Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Job Card Field Requirements
- Approve Job Cards [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- CHRS Recruiting Approval Processes
- Step 3: Manage the Recruitment
- Manage Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Move Application Forward in the Process (video)
- Bulk Move Applications (video)
- Recruitment Steps [pdf]
- References & Collecting Letters of Recommendation [pdf]
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews (video)
- Screening Criteria Details
- Academic Finalist Interview Evaluation [pdf]
- Faculty Apppointment Log
- Step 4: Extend the Verbal Offer
- This step is done outside of CHRS Recruiting
- Step 5: Initiate the Background Check
- Initiate the Background Check [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 6: Prepare and Extend the Offer
- Step 7: Manage the Background Check
- Manage the Background Check [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 8: Finalize Hire and Compile Hiring Documents
- Prepare and Extend the Offer [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Bulk Compile Applications (video)
- Please note, this step will be completed by Faculty Services
- Manage Faculty I-9s in CHRS Recruiting [pdf]
- Process Flow: Tracker I-9 [pdf]
- Step 9: Manage Data in PeopleSoft (Recruiting Integration)
- Recruiting Integration [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Please note, this step will be completed by Faculty Services
- Recruiting Integration [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 10: Forward Documents to ESS
- Send the bulk compiled documents, including the appointment form, to Employee Support
- Please note, this step will be completed by Faculty Services
- Send the bulk compiled documents, including the appointment form, to Employee Support
- Staff & MPP Recruitment
- General Guidance
- Step 1: Preparation
- Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
(PMAF) (if applicable)
- Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
- Step 2: Initiate the Recruitment
- Initiate Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Job Card Field Requirements [pdf]
- Approve Job Cards [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- CHRS Recruiting Approval Processes
- Step 3: Manage the Recruitment
- Manage Recruitments [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Move Application Forward in the Process (video)
- Bulk Move Applications (video)
- Recruitment Steps - Staff & MPP (not UPD) [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Staff & MPP - UPD [pdf]
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Screen Applications & Evaluate Interviews (video)
- Screening Criteria Details
- Step 4: Forward Recruitment Packet to Recruiter in UP
- Step 5: Extend the Verbal Offer
- This step is done outside of CHRS Recruiting and may not be done until given the go-ahead from the recruiter
The following steps will be managed by the Recruiter in UP:
- Step 7: Prepare and Extend the Offer
- Step 8: Manage the Background Check
- Step 9: Finalize Hire and Compile Hiring Documents
- Prepare and Extend the Offer [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Process Flow: Tracker I-9 [pdf]
- Step 10: Manage Data in PeopleSoft (Recruiting Integration)
- Recruiting Integration [pdf] (step-by-step guide)
- Step 11: Forward Documents to ESS
- Send the hiring packet to Employee Support Services
- Additional Documentation & Videos
- User Guides & Job Aids
- Getting Started [pdf]
- Helpful Tips [pdf]
- Employee Portal Overview [pdf]
- Manage Onboarding Tasks [pdf]
- Dashboards (your dashboard is determined by your security role)
- Videos
- Introducing CHRS Recruiting
- Campus Overview (菠菜网lol正规平台One login required)
- Full System Overview (菠菜网lol正规平台One login required)
- CHRS Recruiting Demos
- User Guides & Job Aids
- Process Flows
These flowcharts are intended to give you a high-level overview of the various recruitment processes in CHRS Recruiting. They do not include every step in the process.
- Additional Information
- What does CHRS stand for?
- CHRS stands for Common Human Resources System. In the next few years, all functions currently managed in 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work (PeopleSoft HR) will be merged into one consolidated systemwide HR database, CHRS. CHRS Recruiting is the first module of the consolidated system to be implemented.
- I’m a current employee, will I apply for other jobs on campus through this system?
- Yes. Current faculty and staff should use the Employee Jobs Portal to apply. You can find a tile for this portal on one.菠菜网lol正规平台.
- I already know who I want to hire for a lecturer position. Do I have to use the new
- Yes. All new lecturer hires must go through CHRS Recruiting. However, you have the flexibility to skip some of the recruitment process steps in order to expedite the hire.
- If I’m going to be out of the office for an extended period of time, can I assign
a proxy to manage my approvals for me?
- No. The system does not have functionality for backup or proxy approvers. Please ensure staff in your office who create job cards are aware of who your backup should be so they can edit the information on job cards submitted in your absence.
- Will I process Temporary Faculty rehires through this system?
- No. At this time the temporary faculty rehire process is not changing.
- Can I process Special Session faculty through this system?
- Yes. The Special Session faculty process is hired through this system. Please email for details.
- How will I know I need to approve something in the system?
- You will receive an email notifying you that something needs to be approved.
- I selected the approval process on the Job Card but all of the names didn’t show up.
What do I do?
- Check the position data in PeopleSoft. Typically this happens because the position
does not have a position in the Reports_to field or the position in that field is
vacant. Take the necessary steps to update the position in PeopleSoft (Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
) and manually enter the names of the individuals who should approve.
- Check the position data in PeopleSoft. Typically this happens because the position
does not have a position in the Reports_to field or the position in that field is
vacant. Take the necessary steps to update the position in PeopleSoft (Position Management Action Form [DocuSign]
- Can I send emails from the system using my own email address?
- No. At this time may not be used in the system. Emails sent from the system must come from
- How do I put a candidate on hold during the recruitment process?
- For staff and MPP recruitments you can move the candidate to the Hold status.
For faculty recruitments you can keep the candidate in their current status and move them forward (or out of the process) when you’re ready.
- For staff and MPP recruitments you can move the candidate to the Hold status.
- Are the steps for faculty and staff recruitments the same?
- No. Please see the applicable job aid for more information on the recruitment process
for each type of recruitment:
- Recruitment Process Step by Step - Part-Time Temp Faculty [pdf]
- Recruitment Process Step by Step - Staff & MPP - (not UPD) [pdf]
- Recruitment Process Step by Step - Staff & MPP - UPD [pdf]
- Recruitment Process Step by Step - Tenured, Tenure-Track and Full-Time Temp Faculty [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Faculty Part-Time Temp Concurrent (Fast Track) [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Faculty Part-Time Temp New Hire (Fast Track) [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Part-Time Faculty (Fast-track) [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Faculty Part-Time Temp [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Staff & MPP [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - Tenured/Tenure Track/Full-Time Temp [pdf]
- Recruitment Steps - UPD [pdf]
- No. Please see the applicable job aid for more information on the recruitment process
for each type of recruitment:
- Can I start the recruitment process without a position number?
- No. You must have an up-to-date position number before initiating a recruitment in the system. See Initiate Recruitments for more information.