Taylor, Nicholas

Professor, English & Comparative Literature
Director, Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies
Preferred: nicholas.taylor@images-collector.com
Preferred: (408) 808-2067
Office Hours
M/W 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Center for Steinbeck Studies, MLK Library Room 590
- MFA, Virginia, 2005
Double Switch (as T.T. Monday), Doubleday, 2016.
The Setup Man (as T.T. Monday), Doubleday, 2014.
Father Junípero’s Confessor (as Nick Taylor), Heyday, 2013.
The Disagreement (as Nick Taylor), Simon & Schuster, 2008.
Short Stories
"Telugu Phonics," Superstition Review, 2012.
"Father Serra’s Confessor," Content, 2011.
"Across from the Cathedral," Grist: The Journal for Writers, 2008.
"The Smell of Despair" in Politically Inspired, ed. Stephen Elliott. MacAdam/Cage, 2003.
"John Steinbeck, Mahlon Blaine, and The Maniac (1941)," Steinbeck Review 9 (2012): 73-85.
"The Kitten Gang" in What I Would Tell Her: 28 Devoted Dads On Bringing Up, Holding On To, and Letting
Go of Their Daughters, Andrea N. Richesin, ed. (New York: Harlequin, May 2010).
"Departures: A Californian at Gettysburg," San Francisco Chronicle, 31 Jan 2010, M-5.
"Finding Father Serra in Mallorca," San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Nov 2009, N-3.
"Fables of the Reconstruction" (review of Jarrettsville by Cornelia Nixon), The Rumpus, 30 Sep 2009.
Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer, English & Foreign Language University, Hyderabad,
India, 2011.
Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction, Gettysburg College, 2009.
Student Success Grant, San Jose State University, 2012.
Influential Advisor Recognition, San Jose State University, Spring 2011.
Junior Faculty Career Development Award, San Jose State University, 2008.
Artist Fellowship, Virginia Commission for the Arts, 2006-2007.
Artist Residency, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, 2006.
Summer Research Grant, William R. Kenan Trust for Historic Preservation, University
of Virginia, 2004.
Graduate Courses
ENGL 241: MFA Fiction Workshop
ENGL 203: Narrative Craft and Theory (“Parallel Novels”)
ENGL 203: Narrative Craft and Theory (“Extremely Contemporary Fiction”)
ENGL 201C: Methods and Materials of Literary Production
Race and Ethnicity in the Contemporary American Short Story (taught at English & Foreign
Languages University, Hyderabad, India)
Undergraduate Courses
ENGL 130: Undergraduate Fiction Writing Workshop
ENGL 71: Introduction to Creative Writing (Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction)
ENGL 181: Special Topics (“American Humor Writing”)
ENGL 133: Reed Magazine